creating visions together?

Your support enables the creation and preservation of creative freedom, a laboratory of prospective artistic formats. Thanks to your contribution, we carry out interdisciplinary projects with outstanding personalities and institutions across the globe. Please support us on the logistical execution of our projects and on expanding our artistic diversity.

Professional and trusting cooperation with our partners are essential to us.

Every contribution is a step towards the future. We are happy to welcome you to the Boum-Percussion family and share our experiences exclusively with you.

Dare new things together? Just send us a message.

show your love for newcomers

Become a sponsor of the “Boum-Percussion Academy” Stuttgart. You will take on social responsibility by supporting a cultural event and by building bridges beyond the region. We want to strengthen Stuttgart as a cultural location in the long term in cooperation with our sponsors.

Further funding opportunities: individual scholarships

Enable one or more talented artists from disadvantaged backgrounds to visit the “Boum Percussion Academy” and its events by your commitment. Provide unforgettable moments to a younger generation and cover the costs of flight, accommodation, and participant fees.

For more information, please send us a message.


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